Volume 6, March 2010

Miyazaki Katsutoshi, Keshavmurthy S., Fukami K. Survival and growth of transplanted coral fragments in a high-latitude coral community (32°N) in Kochi, Japan. pp. 1-9, 1pl.

Kubota Shin Variois distribution patterns of green fluorescence in small hydromedusae. pp. 11-14, 3pls.

林 徹・岩瀬文人 四国における人工繁殖によるクシハダミドリイシの成長と成熟について. pp.15-26, 2pls.

Hayashi Tohru, Iwase F. Growth and maturation of the artificially bred Acropora hyacinthus, Japan. pp.15-26, 2pls.

山田豊隆・武田曜男・久保田信 兵庫県神戸市須磨海岸におけるクラゲ類の出現推移(2003-2009年). pp.27-30, 2pls.
Yamada Toyotaka, Takeda T., Kubota Sh. Temporal patterns of Jellyfish species occurrence at the Suma coast, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan (years 2003-2009). pp.27-30, 2pls.

新稲一仁・久保田信 和歌山県白浜町の潮間帯に現れたオニヒトデ. pp.31-35, 1pl.

Niina Kazuhiro, Kubota Sh. Occurrences of Acanthaster planci (Linnaeus) in the intertidal zone of Shirahama Town, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. pp.31-35, 1pl.