KUBOTA, Shin and Satoshi, NAGAI. 16S Mitochondrial gene sequence analysis of some Turritopsis (Hydrozoa, Oceanidae) from Japan and Abroad. pp.1-6.
KUBOTA, Shin, Tiger, HUI-TAI LEE and William, TAN. Occurrence of a rare Thecocodium medusa (Anthomedusae, Ptilocodiidae) from Taiwan. pp.7-9.
Asano, Gyoichi, Shin, KUBOTA, Yoshimi, YAMAKAMI and Michihiko, FUJII. Identification of manubrium pigments in two species of Turritopsis medusae (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) in Japan. pp.10-16.
久保田 信 ホルマリン固定された数種のヒドロクラゲ(刺胞動物門, ヒドロ虫綱)のGFP分布パターン. pp. 18-21.
KUBOTA, Shin. Distribution Pattern of GFP in some hydromedusae (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) preserved in formalin. pp. 18-21.
KUBOTA, Shin and Naoto HANZAWA. Occurrence of Eugymnanthea sp. (Leptomedusae, Eirenidae), an evolutionary advanced species of the bivalve-inhabiting hydrozoans, from Ongael Lake, Palau Islands, associated with Brachidontes sp. (Bivalves, Mytilidae). pp.22-26.