Volume 18, No.2, Sept. 2021

伊藤寿茂・駒井智幸・山川宇宙 相模湾で採集された北限記録のフタハベニツケモドキ Thalamita admete(軟甲綱:十脚目:ワタリガニ科). Pp. 19-28.

Toshishige ITOH, Tomoyuki KOMAI and Uchu YAMAKAWA
Northernmost record of Thalamita admete (Herbst, 1803) (Malacostraca: Decapoda: Brachyura: Portunidae) from Sagami Bay, central Japan. Pp. 19-28.

小枝圭太・平坂寛 石垣島沖から釣獲されたキンメダイ科キンメダイとギンメダイ科オカムラギンメの記録. Pp. 29-37.

Keita KOEDA and Hiroshi HIRASAKA
Records of two deep-sea fishes, Beryx splendens (Beryciformes; Berycidae) and Polymixia sazonovi (Polymixiiformes; Polymixiidae), collected from off Ishigaki-jima Island. Pp. 29-37.

近藤裕介・岡田昇馬・戸篠祥・三宅裕志・大塚 攻 ヒクラゲ Morbakka virulenta (Kishinouye, 1910) (刺胞動物門:箱虫綱)のポリプの成長、出芽と着底に与える水温の影響. Pp. 38-50.

Yusuke KONDO・Shoma OKADA・Sho TOSHINO・Hiroshi MIYAKE and Susumu OHTSUKA
Effect of water temperature on growth, budding, and settlement of polyps of Morbakka virulenta (Kishinouye, 1910) (Cnidaria: Cubozoa). Pp. 38-50.

Harutaka HATA and Masanori NAKAE
First voucher specimen of Bembrops curvatura (Teleostei: Perciformes) collected from Suruga Bay, Japan. Pp. 51-62.